The Issues With Co-dependency

By Anna Kuyumcuoglu | therapy
Posted: April 21, 2024

Break the Patters of Codependency.

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“Codependency often involves prioritizing the needs of others over your own and feeling a sense of responsibility for the happiness and well-being of others. This can lead to feelings of resentment, anger, and frustration. This worksheet is designed to help you identify and address codependent behaviors, beliefs, and patterns in your life.


Understanding Codependency: Take some time to reflect on your understanding of codependency. What does it mean to you? How has it impacted your life? Write down your thoughts and feelings below.


Identifying Codependent Behaviors: Review the list of codependent behaviors below. Circle any that you have exhibited in your own life.

  • Putting other people’s needs before your own
  • Feeling responsible for other people’s feelings or behaviors
  • Difficulty saying no or setting boundaries
  • Fear of rejection or abandonment
  • People-pleasing
  • Difficulty expressing your own emotions
  • Trying to control or fix other people’s problems
  • Feeling guilty when taking care of yourself

Challenging Codependent Beliefs: Review the list of common codependent beliefs below. Write down any of these beliefs that you have held in your own life. Then, challenge these beliefs by writing down evidence that contradicts them or by coming up with more balanced, realistic beliefs.

“I’m responsible for other people’s happiness.”


“If I don’t take care of others, they won’t take care of me.”


“I have to be perfect to be loved.”


“If I set boundaries, people will think I’m selfish.”


Setting Healthy Boundaries: Think about situations in which you have struggled to set healthy boundaries with others. Write down these situations below, along with the specific boundaries that you would like to set. Then, practice saying these boundaries out loud or role-playing the situation with a trusted friend or therapist.


Developing Self-Care Strategies: Identify some self-care strategies that you can use to prioritize your own needs and well-being. These may include activities like exercise, meditation, or spending time with supportive friends and family. Write down these strategies below and commit to practicing them regularly.


Reflection: Take some time to reflect on the insights and experiences gained through completing this worksheet. Write down any key takeaways or goals for continuing to work on healing codependency.”



Hendrix, H. (1988). Getting the love you want. Harper Perennial. 

Muro, L., Holliman, R., & Luquet, W. (2015). Imago relationship therapy and accurate empathy development. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy15(3), 232–246.


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