Tools For Effective Communication
By Anna Kuyumcuoglu | wellness
Posted: April 22, 2024
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
is a communication process developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. It focuses on compassionate communication, empathy, and conflict resolution.
Here are some tools and techniques related to Nonviolent Communication that can be helpful in various situations:
1. Observation:
Encourage the use of objective observations rather than evaluations or judgments. This involves describing what you see or hear without interpreting or analyzing it.
“When I hear…”
“When I see…”
“I’ve noticed how…”
“What I remember is how you…”
2. Feelings:
Help individuals identify and express their feelings accurately. Use a feelings list to expand their emotional vocabulary.
“…I feel pleased…”
“…I feel hurt…”
“…I feel frustrated…”
“…I feel worn out…”
3. Needs:
Assist in recognizing and articulating underlying needs or values. By understanding unmet needs, individuals can better communicate what is truly important to them.
“…because I need more connection”
“…because I value honesty”
“Clear communication is important to me”
“This doesn’t meet my need for safety”
4. Requests:
Encourage clear, positive, and actionable requests rather than demands. Requests should be specific, doable, and considerate of the other person’s needs and boundaries.
“Would you be willing to…?”
“Are you able to…?”
“Can I ask you to…?”
“I’d like you to…”
5. Active Listening:
Practice active listening techniques such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and reflecting back emotions to demonstrate understanding and empathy.
6. Empathy:
Teach individuals to empathize with others by listening without judgment, acknowledging feelings and needs, and showing genuine care and understanding.
7. Self-Expression:
Help individuals express themselves honestly and assertively while maintaining respect for others. Encourage them to use “I” statements to take ownership of their feelings and needs.
8. Conflict Resolution:
Guide individuals in resolving conflicts by facilitating dialogues that focus on mutual understanding, collaboration, and finding win-win solutions.
9. Role-Playing:
Conduct role-playing exercises to practice applying NVC principles in real-life scenarios. This can help individuals develop their communication skills and become more comfortable using NVC techniques.
10. Journaling:
Suggest keeping a journal to reflect on interactions, identify patterns in communication, and track progress in using NVC principles.These tools can be used in personal relationships, professional settings, conflict resolution, and self-improvement efforts. By incorporating Nonviolent Communication techniques into daily interactions, individuals can foster deeper connections, promote understanding, and create a more compassionate and harmonious environment.
Some samples:
“When I’m talking with someone else and you ask me questions, are you feeling concerned because you want to be acknowledged and you worry I might overlook you? Would you like me to check in with you once I’m done in five minutes?”
“You feel concerned when your daughter expresses that school feels scary to her. Ensuring her sense of safety is a top priority for you. Would you be willing to jot down her fears and your suggestions for creating a safer school environment? We can then schedule a time next week to delve deeper into your insights.”
“I feel concerned when I don’t receive responses to my emails regarding my son’s well-being at school. It’s important for me to have ongoing communication about his welfare, as I’m eager to understand the sources of his stress. Are you available to meet this week so we can discuss your observations in the classroom and address the questions I’ve raised in my emails?”
Click the Link below for more information on NVC:
A video about NVC