Anna Kuyumcuoglu, Licensed Board Certified Psychotherapist.

Empower Your Journey: Transform Your Life Through Therapy.

For over 15 years, I've dedicated myself to creating a safe haven where individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. As a seasoned psychotherapist, I understand the importance of providing a judgment-free environment for clients to explore their deepest emotions and thoughts and experiences.

My approach is rooted in compassion, empathy, and collaboration. I believe in meeting clients where they are and gently guiding them toward their desired outcomes. Drawing from evidence-based methodologies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), trauma and attachment-based therapies, mindfulness practices, and somatic psychotherapy, I tailor each session to address the unique needs and goals of my clients.In our work together, we explore your past experiences, unpack limiting beliefs, and uncover the patterns that may be holding you back. Through our collaborative partnership, I'll empower you to cultivate self-awareness, allowing you to make conscious choices that align with your authentic self.

Therapy is not just about addressing symptoms; it's about fostering deep, meaningful change from within. By rewiring your narrative and embracing your true self, you'll experience a profound transformation that extends far beyond the therapy room.

Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, dissociation, relationship issues, or simply seeking personal growth and self-discovery, I am here to support you every step of the way. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of your inner world, unlocking new possibilities for growth, resilience, and fulfillment.Take the first step toward a brighter future. Schedule a session today and embark on a journey of empowerment, healing, and transformation.

See how others have benefited from the work by clicking on the Testimonials page and scrolling down. 

For Fees click here.

Training & Experience

I am a Licensed clinical psychotherapist with over 14+ years experience working with adults, teens, children and couples.

I began my career working in school-based clinics and worked in orphanages in India and Armenia. I developed after School programs for Chinese communities in the New York State. Since then, I have gained experience working at the Bronx Children's Psychiatric Center, Harlem Hospital Center, Bellevue Hospital Center, Hudson Guild, Housing Works, Strokes of Genius (program for children on the Spectrum) The Harriet and Robert Heilbrun School at the Jewish Guild For the Blind ( School for neurodiverse children that is currently closed) and the Institute for Community Living. Currently, I work in private practice and continue to educate myself to keep current within the field. I found that most body based somatic therapies provide the most grounded change. I find it fascinating to learn and know that there is a way we can have access to powerful experiences and change. I invite you to explore for yourself. I use evidence, brain based interventions to help create new neural pathways in the brain so you have access to new information that is more productive than the fight, flight, freeze and fawn response that can continue to create more of the same. Re-wire your brain to gain refreshed perspectives, access inner strengths and make conscious choices. I help guide you to actively engage in your therapy to gain access to your vitality.

Call for a 15 minute consultation to see if we can work together.

About the Wall Street Psychotherapy Center

Wall Street Therapy offers experiences in:

Somatic based Psychotherapy, American Institute for Mental Imagery; Imagery Therapy as taught by Dr. Gerland Epstein, National Institute for the Psychotherapies: EMDR Certified, IFS Informed and trained, Brainspotting Level 1,2,3,4 trained, Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training, Non-Violent Communication, Social Oriented Focusing, Imago Therapy for couples Level 1 Therapist, Terry Real: Relational Life for Couples training, Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples Informed, Certified Sex Therapy Informed Therapist, Clinical Hypnosis, William Alanson White Institute for Eating Disorders, International School of Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment, DNMS Institute; Ego State therapy & Developmental Psychology, Core Energetics Certified, Sandplay Therapy Institute trained, CBT and DBT Informed, Colin A. Ross Institute; Psychological Trauma Treatment Certification Training, Comprehensive Resource Model Completed Levels I and II and adjunct trainings.

Professional Affiliations

I offer in person & Telemental Health and use HIPPA compliant Zoom

My Values


Your experiences are sacred


Therapy can be a creative
process. I adjust interventions
as needed and continue to
strive for the trainings that
stay up to date in the
psychotherapy field.


A place where you can freely
explore your thoughts,
feelings about past, present
and future


You are welcome here. It is an
honor working with you.
Thank you for choosing me to
embark on this journey

What my clients have to say

"I started seeing Anna during an extremely difficult point in my life. She was remarkably
skilled at helping me experience and face the deep fears that were holding me back from
fully being present in my life. As a result of working with Anna I have experienced a huge
shift and the little girl that was desperately sad and very trapped as a result of old trauma
is finally happy and able to celebrate her life. Anna has shown tremendous insight into
guiding the fractured parts of myself towards self-acceptance. I am genuinely more secure
and loving as a result."

L. New York

"Anna has helped me bring before unkown aspects of myself into awareness to be healed.
She has a deeply intuitive way of working which seems to uncover issues other "therapies"
have struggled to reach. Anna has the ability to hold the space for me so that I feel
thoroughly supported whilst exploring these new and sometimes difficult areas of the
mind. I find working with Anna has helped speed up my path of self discovery and given a
better and more holistic view of who I am and what I am capable of."

Sagara from England

"I have known Anna K for many years as a professional & dedicated licensed
Psychotherapist. Ny my observation, it is not an easy path finding the appropriate
treatment one may need to establish a balance in mental health issues and results in life
on has. Anna has been successful at treating me and meeting me exactly where I needed
to be met. Her guidance has helped me feeling helplessness and hopelessness to finding
the inner resources and strength again to making my life happen again in a short amount
of time! She always been a phone call away for guidance & an amazing empathetic
resource when that guidance is required by others. I highly recommend her expertise and
judgment. I'm truly grateful to have found her along my journey."


"I know Anna for the last couple of years, she is a therapist of my son, who is autistic. I
have noticed tremendous changes in my son. He is more social and independent. If I am a
mother, Anna works with the would of my son. All the hard work towards his well-being has
been paid off. My son is thriving in the world."

Neeru, Queens, New York

"Thank you so much for your help-especially you life changing and saving skills. It has
made all the difference as your ability to help process past-pain and emotions help with
dissociation. It also made me realize cause of depression, as emotions were suppressed.
You are great at what you do and it is life changing."

L. New York

"Phenomenal work."

S. New York

"I have grown immensely and I am deeply grateful."

L. Brooklyn

"After a decade of therapy and struggling with the same internal patterns, I noticed visible
shifts within myself and in my life doing this work with Anna. Stuck and painful aspects
within myself were able to heal and shift. I am able to make different choices now with the
awareness and work I have done to heal."

D. New York

"It's the deepest work I have done...after 14 years of talk therapy and nothing changing. I
was so checked out with multiple addictions coping with life. OUr work together helped me
organize myself mentally and emotionally and find a new way of life. Where I was
judgmental and disconnected, I was able to trust and open again in relationships and
widen my circle."

A. Brooklyn

"There is a profound shift that takes place and feeling more alive and not feeling
fragmented as I did when I first started."

F. New York

Testimonials Continued

“There is one word that comes to mind when I think of Anna- healer- and she is a good one. Anna took me as a patient when i was truly hopeless case, and worked with me to build me up from rock bottom, despite my inability to pay what she deserved or even come to our sessions sober. She saved my life and helped me break free of the cage of trauma and addiction that I was living in. I was unable to go 10 minutes without a drink for over 10 years of daily fighting with alcoholism, and now thanks to your work I have been clean and sober for almost 2 years and have lost 50 pounds! How can I get sober and control eating? I was asking the wrong questions. Anna taught me to open a dialogue with myself and my inner child at a time when I didn’t know what that was. During our many different therapies (you will find she is qualified to do quite a few) I learned to nurture and eventually even take care of that inner child and it lifted me from the literal gutter and set me free to live a life beyond my wildest dreams. The right questions are how can I change my entire outlook through a journey of introspection and a destination of human connection? Anna can show you the steps to take. I had no truth for myself or respect for the world we live in and had resigned to an alcoholic addicts life and inevitable death. However thanks to Anna I love my life; I own my own successful business; I even pursue music and acting when I am not working; and I have many healthy relationships. In the last two years I went from a thief and a liar to an active member and honest leader of the sober community. The word for lost causes such as myself who find sobriety and redemption is a miracle, The word for Anna and those with the gifts and vocation to guide lost souls is a healer. If you are like I was, and in need of a healer who can give a hopeless, self-loathing addict with severe trauma induced anxiety and an eating disorder the means to work towards a miracle cure, you would be lucky to have this amazing person, Anna Kuyumcuoglu, to call your friend and ally! I Have been in therapy my whole life and never was able to open up or make the breakthroughs I made with her. As someone who has been institutionalized and seen countless therapists for a decade I promise you she is the best. I truly believe and know I wouldn’t be here without here. Thank you Anna!

-RH, New York

“I recall a scene in Harry Potter the Prisoner of Azkaban when Ron has to read Harry’s tea leaves in Divination class. Ron sees a frightening figure of ‘the grim’ which he explains, ‘Harry will suffer, but in the end, he will be happy about it. In lesser extremes. I
thought about this novel prediction. However, if I could tell my past-self one thing before starting therapy is that quote. Sometimes I feel like I woke up from uncontrollable misery; I was beginning to accept that everything was always out of my control. Chaos seemed to follow me everywhere, unknowingly of my own volition, I couldn’t communicate out of fear of seeming sensitive or controlling I had a veil of critiques over my life. I can finally see the decisions I was making were from a place of hurt. Now I can hear myself and feel my intuition. I finally trust myself. A year ago if you told me I was happily waking up at 8 am going to the gym and eating healthy forty percent of the time I would have laughed in your face. Instead, I wake up and remind myself that one healthy decision can lead to another and ‘I will be happy about it. I passed a psychic on the street and she told me I have a golden aura which means enlightenment and divine protection- I really owe that to Anna. I’m forever grateful that Anna opened my life.

-M from NYC/ Canada

“I started seeing Anna about 3 years ago when I was going through a particularly difficult time with my father’s alcoholism. I felt like I was at a breaking point in my life in general, feeling out of control, overwhelmed and unsafe emotionally. The best I gave to myself was being willing to go through the unknown with Anna and the work we’ve done together has genuinely been life changing for me. She has taught me so much in the ways of self healing and has truly felt like a guide through my psyche, by helping me heal deep wounds and giving me tools I will use for the rest of my life. I have learned how to have compassion and self love which has made me better not only to myself but to other people. I can’t recommend Anna enough as a therapist. She is so kind, connected, insightful and invested. She is truly incredible at her practice, While she guides you through emotional spaces that can be difficult, she creates such a safe environment that you never feel alone or in danger, giving you the courage to go deep within yourself Everyone deserves to have a therapist as excellent as she is. My life has transformed from the work I’ve done with Anna and I’m deeply grateful to her for that.”

-L. Brooklyn

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